Nejat Veziroğlu Special Award
This award was created on behalf of Prof. Dr. Nejat Veziroğlu, who is an international leader in hydrogen energy, the father of hydrogen technologies, and the permanent honorary president of the Hydrogen Technologies Association. It is given to people who have proven themselves in the field of hydrogen energy and technologies both domestically and internationally and have made internationally recognized contributions.
Service Award of Hydrogen Technologies Association
This award is given to the people who have dedicated themselves to hydrogen energy and have served for at least 20 years in the development and application of this field, have contributed to the communal, social, technological, and economic development of the country in this field, have been a pioneer in the education and training of youth, have made institutional contributions and are active in industrial applications.
Technology Award
This award has been created for institutions that work effectively on hydrogen energy technologies and develop technologies. It is given to institutions that develop a product for the development of hydrogen technology, establish a pilot or industrial facility in the field of hydrogen energy and technologies, have patents in the field of hydrogen energy and technologies or support technology development.
Young Researcher Award
This award has been created for researchers, who are under the age of 35 (not less than 35 years old as of the date of IHTEC-2024 conference, where the award will be given) and have at least a master’s degree. It is given to people who have done successful studies on hydrogen energy technologies that are recognized at the national and international levels.
Student Researcher Award
This award is given to undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral students. Candidates are expected to be under the age of 30 as of the date of the IHTEC-2024 conference, where the award will be given. The candidates who will be nominated for this award or who will apply themselves, will be preferred for this award if they have developed an invention, a new application, or a unique method for hydrogen technologies
Winners of these prizes will be invited to attend the conference in which they will participate in the award ceremony, and their transportation and hotel expenses will be covered by the association.
Last day for application, April 15, 2024